Mickey and Robert's Engagement Session

Remember when Mickey flew to Spain over the spring to see Robert while studying abroad and sprung an engagement on him? Jealous! Love these two, when Mickey first plucked Robert off the street, I knew this was going to be forever!

...and thank goodness it was because let me tell you, I've been dreaming about shooting these peaches for a minute here. If any of you know either Mickey or I, you already know that we go hard and are very particular about our aesthetic, which is how I knew this shoot was going to be good. We lined up three perfect locations in the boys' home city of Buffalo- the charming Parkside Candy Co. to get our fill of nostalgia, The Mansion on Delaware for a little casual elegant look, and some li'l grassy mounds to finish the day off with a surreal blast.

Mickey is an illustrator (see his work here) and Robert studies language, both are smart, beautiful and all around solid dudes. Can't wait for the wedding!